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                WHY CHOOSE US OEM&ODM
                Yuegao is a home textile products manufacturer, specializing in cozy and warm home or travel soft goods, such as Airline Products,outdoor blanket, blanket/throw, sublimtion Blanket and baby blanket, most importantly, we are extremely vertical in our supply chain, we produce fabric and make final products all in house .
                About Us
                Quanzhou Rongbao Bags Co., Ltd. was established in 2004 with over 100 employees. We are a manufacturing factory with Disney/BSCI/ISO9001/NBCU certifications, and specializing in the production of various student backpacks, sports bags, travel bags, cosmetic bags, beach bags, phone bags, trolley bags, and computer bags.
                The variety and novelty of product styles have won the favor of various customers, and our products are exported to more than 20 countries such as Southeast Asia, Europe, America, and Japan.
                Our company has advanced equipment, complete office facilities, strong technologies, and experienced team.We have excellent quality team to make sure products are with high quality before loading.And our development and design team are always following the latest trend in fashion,also can provide products per customers’ requirements.
                Quality, Reliability, And Efficiency
                Quality, Reliability, And Efficiency
                Our company adheres to the spirit of"quality,reliability, andefficiency",and we also insist the principle of “good service, competitiveprice, and ship on time".With high quality and good customerservice,our company has won the trust ofmany customers.We aresincerely welcoming your visit and enquiry, and looking forward to yourcooperation.
                CONTACT US
                Add:17-1 Zisheng Road,High-tech Area,Nanhuan Road,LiCheng district,Quanzhou city,Fujian province,China
                E-Mail:meirong@cndebei.com / 313522097@qq.com
                Tel:+86-22428908 / 19959983939 / 13808549276
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